Whoa! What happened?

me - - 2 mins read

Hey! It’s been a while! A new website! A new domain! Wait, some of this content wasn’t here before! What’s going on?

Dealing with burnout

In my latest Music Recommendations post I talked about starting a post, writing one line, then quitting.

The absence of any other content in that file is proof that I’m pretty well and burnt out, I think. My creativity comes in fits and starts as I’m beaten down by the modern work ethic – every day feels like an endless checklist of Capitalism Tasks™, the cumulative upkeep of which stifles any attempt at Making Things I Like.

As we all collectively lose hope and become desensitized to everything that’s going on in the world, it’s more and more difficult to focus on what really matters.

All this, plus starting a new medication that apparently can act as a neurotoxin had me feeling pretty drained for a good year and a half, and to be honest, I still am.

But hey, I’m writing this! And you’re reading it! So there is some good left in the world! ❤️

New domain

0x2a.live and null.rip (inexplicably separate sites for separate blog topics by the same person) now redirect here. I’ve never been happy with any of my aliases, and thanks to a certain dumb idea, I have a new one that I hope is a bit more permanent. If this bothers you immensely because you preferred one type of content over another, might I recommend using your RSS reader1 to filter out the post tags or series you do not like.

The name is a lot of things, but ultimately, it’s something that’s “me”. Past names have felt derivative, unoriginal, and were chasing something I could never catch. A pseudonym that affords me the ability to speak without worry is important to me. Even though it’s not a perfect representation, it might even be something I can use as a creator name for this phase of my life.

New hosting

Previously, my websites have been hosted on a small Compute Engine instance that cost me cents per month. While easy, this felt like an absolute waste and a security nightmare for static websites. Because hosting a static site on GCP with HTTPS incurs load balancer costs and would cost significantly more than running an entire virtualized computer, this site is now one single git repo using GitLab pages!

  1. If you aren’t using an RSS reader for web content, there’s never been a better time to start. Might I recommend Tiny Tiny RSS↩︎