Everything was supposed to be perfect. It was supposed to all work. Yet, here I am with another post.

You might remember one of the things I noticed way back in my first post.

NotebookCheck reported that the Blade will drain battery even when plugged in,
and it’s definitely happened to me in eGPU mode, though I’m not sure why...

Well, that came back to bite me - hard. But first, a look back.

Arch eGPU Part 2: Daily Driving Me Crazy

me - - 7 mins read

Series: Arch eGPU Saga

As a follow-up to my previous post, I thought I’d write about my experience using Arch Linux, the Blade Stealth 2019, and an eGPU docking setup as my daily driver for about three weeks now. After telling one of my friends about the hell I’d been going through, he remarked that it seemed like all the issues that I was complaining about had their roots in the hardware I’d chosen. I don’t disagree - the Blade Stealth 2019 is far from a perfect laptop - but it made me seriously have some second thoughts about my purchase. More on that later.